Artist Statement

The thread that weaves my work together is my interest in observing and tracking the changes in humanity and the planet. Although by most appearances, there is an imbalance of constructive and destructive change. I see value in studying the processes and continue to move forward with optimism.


My early identity as an artist involved a strong connection with two dimensional formats, primarily painting. As I further developed as an artist I discovered I had an affinity for three dimensional work utilizing glass, clay, metals and found materials.

The current work integrates many aspects of my artistic journey. This work includes gauche and oil painting, stoneware healing and memory vessels, glass fused photography, blow molded glass hearts, repurposed glass female figurative bas-reliefs, and black and white pinhole photography.


In 2018, I established the Diane Feldpausch Tang Charitable Gift Fund. The mission of the fund is to support the welfare of people in need of humane aid and assistance.